Assessment of Potential Changes to Real Estate Resulting from Dam Removal: Klamath Secretarial Determination Regarding Potential Removal of the Lower Four Dams on the Klamath River

Document Details:

Title: Assessment of Potential Changes to Real Estate Resulting from Dam Removal: Klamath Secretarial Determination Regarding Potential Removal of the Lower Four Dams on the Klamath River
Category: Technical Report
File: DOI_2012_0124_Assessment-of-Potential-Changes-to-Real-Estate-Resulting-from-Dam-Removal.pdf
Updated Date: 09.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): DOI
Publication Date: 2012-Aug
Focal Topic: Dam Removal
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 18010209

This study is in support of the Secretarial Determination on the removal of four dams on the Klamath River and related restoration activities in the Klamath basin. The four dams are Copco I, Copco II, J.C. Boyle and Iron Gate. Lands under these reservoirs and adjacent lands associated with the hydroloelectric project and owned by PacifiCorp are to be transferred to the states of Oregon and California or an entity yet to be determined. Lands adjacent to Keno Dam presently owned by PacifiCorp are to be transferred to the Department of Interior to support the continued operation of the Keno dam and impoundment. All of these lands are described in the Klamath Hydroloelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) as Parcel B lands and represent approximately 8000 acres of property owned by PacifiCorp. These lands are to be managed for public interest purposes such as fish and wildlife habitat restoration, public education, and public recreational purposes as outlined in section 7.6.4 of the KHSA. Lands adjacent to Keno Impoundment are intended to support the continued operation of Keno Impoundment for the Klamath Project.

Keyword Tags:
Real Estate, Iron Gate Dam