Salmon and Steelhead in the White Salmon River After the Removal of Condit Dam--Planning Efforts and Recolonization of Results
Title: Salmon and Steelhead in the White Salmon River After the Removal of Condit Dam--Planning Efforts and Recolonization of Results
Category: Technical Report
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Updated Date: 10.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): M. Brady Allen, Rod O. Engle, Joseph S. Zendt, Frank C. Shrier, Jeremy T. Wilson, Patrick J. Connolly
Publication Date: 2016-Apr
Focal Topic: Dam Removal, Salmon
Location: United States
Condit Dam, at river kilometer 5.3 on the White Salmon River, Washington, was breached in 2011 and completely removed in 2012. This action opened habitat to migratory fish for the first time in 100 years. The White Salmon Working Group was formed to create plans for fish salvage in preparation for fish recolonization and to prescribe the actions necessary to restore anadromous salmonid populations in the White Salmon River after Condit Dam removal. Studies conducted by work group members and others served to inform management decisions. Management options for individual species were considered, including natural recolonization, introduction of a neighboring stock, hatchery supplementation, and monitoring natural recolonization for some time period to assess the need for hatchery supplementation. Monitoring to date indicates that multiple species and stocks of anadromous salmonids are finding and spawning in the now accessible and recovering habitat.
Keyword Tags:dam removal, salmon