A Metabolism-Based Whole Lake Eutrophication Model to Estimate the Magnitude and Time Scales of the Effects of Restoration in Upper Klamath Lake, South-Central Oregon

Document Details:

Title: A Metabolism-Based Whole Lake Eutrophication Model to Estimate the Magnitude and Time Scales of the Effects of Restoration in Upper Klamath Lake, South-Central Oregon
Category: Technical Report
File: Wherry_Wood_2018_0493_USGS_A-Metabolism-based-whole-Lake-Eutrophication-Model.pdf
Updated Date: 12.10.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): Susan A. Wherry, Tamara M. Wood
Publication Date: 2018
Focal Topic: Water Quality, Upper Klamath, Habitat Restoration
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

A whole lake eutrophication (WLE) model approach for phosphorus and cyanobacterial biomass in Upper Klamath Lake, south-central Oregon, is presented here. The model is a successor to a previous model developed to inform a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for phosphorus in the lake, but is based on net primary production (NPP), which can be calculated from dissolved oxygen, rather than scaling up a small-scale description of cyanobacterial growth and respiration rates. This phase 3 WLE model is a refinement of the proof-of-concept developed in phase 2, which was the first attempt to use NPP to simulate cyanobacteria in the TMDL model. The calibration of the calculated NPP WLE model was successful, with performance metrics indicating a good fit to calibration data, and the calculated NPP WLE model was able to simulate mid-season bloom decreases, a feature that previous models could not reproduce. In order to use the model to simulate future scenarios based on phosphorus load reduction, a multivariate regression model was created to simulate NPP as a function of the model state variables (phosphorus and chlorophyll a) and measured meteorological and temperature model inputs. The NPP time series was split into a low- and high-frequency component using wavelet analysis, and regression models were fit to the components separately, with moderate success. The regression models for NPP were incorporated in the WLE model, referred to as the “scenario” WLE (SWLE), and the fit statistics for phosphorus during the calibration period were mostly unchanged. The fit statistics for chlorophyll a, however, were degraded. These statistics are still an improvement over prior models, and indicate that the SWLE is appropriate for long-term predictions even though it misses some of the seasonal variations in chlorophyll a.

Keyword Tags:
Eutrophication Model, Upper Klamath Lake,