Scott River Watershed Restoration Strategy & Schedule
Title: Scott River Watershed Restoration Strategy & Schedule
Category: Technical Report
File: Siskiyou-RCD_SRWC_2014_0528_ScottRiverRestorationScheduleandStrategy.pdf
Updated Date: 03.09.2020
Author(s)/Source(s): Scott River Watershed Council, Siskiyou RCD
Publication Date: 2014-Jan
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration
Location: Scott River
Watershed Code: 180102
The purpose of this “Strategy & Schedule” is to assess all existing information (both local information and peer-reviewed literature)
This document is intended to provide the local community with a tool to leverage funding for high priority restoration locations, as well as document the extent of riparian restoration implemented to date. An additional purpose is to identify the limitation to riparian restoration on the Scott River, given the current hydrologic, economic, and permitting restraints. regarding the status of the Scott River riparian corridor and previous revegetation efforts, and, where appropriate, to develop a plan for riparian protection, enhancement and restoration of the Scott River mainstem & tributaries. The intent of the “Strategy & Schedule” is to identify the most appropriate locations and restoration methods to enhance the river ecosystem to benefit the wildlife and aquatic health of the Scott River. Methods identified in this document are evidence-based and rely on methods proven to work in the Scott River Watershed or in other similar watersheds. In addition, this plan will outline methods to meet the intentions of the Scott River TMDL, to the fullest extent possible.
The benefits of riparian revegetation will include improved water quality, increased bank stability, increased terrestrial and aquatic habitat and food chain support for aquatic and terrestrial species. An additional benefit is increased water storage.
The objectives of this plan are to: identify locations in the Scott River and tributaries most likely to benefit to riparian restoration measures, identify specific methods most appropriate for watershed restoration in the Scott Valley, identify reach specific design criteria, identify and prioritize project areas (including identification of willing landowners), develop a proposed schedule for restoration, and identify potential funding sources.
Keyword Tags:Scott River, TMDL, Watershed Restoration