Lower Klamath Project FERC Project No. 14803 Aquatic Resources Management Plan
Title: Lower Klamath Project FERC Project No. 14803 Aquatic Resources Management Plan
Category: Technical Report
File: 2021_0550_EX-A-Aquatic-Resources-Mngmnt-Plan-Feb2021.pdf
Updated Date: 20.10.2021
Author(s)/Source(s): Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Publication Date: 2021-Feb
Focal Topic: Dam Removal, Monitoring Programs, Salmon, Adaptive Management, Other threatened fishes
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102
The Lower Klamath Project (Project) (FERC No. 14803) consists of four hydroelectric developments on the Klamath River: J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, and Iron Gate (Figure 1-1). Specifically, the reach between J.C. Boyle dam and Iron Gate dam is known as the Hydroelectric Reach. In September of 2016, the Renewal Corporation filed an Application for Surrender of License for Major Project and Removal of Project Works, FERC Project Nos. 2082- 063 & 14803-001 (License Surrender). The Renewal Corporation filed the License Surrender application as the dam removal entity for the purpose of implementing the Klamath River Hydroelectric Settlement (KHSA). In November of 2020, the Renewal Corporation filed its Definite Decommissioning Plan (DDP) as Exhibits A-1 and A-2 to its amended License Surrender application. The DDP is the Renewal Corporation’s comprehensive plan to physically remove the Lower Klamath Project and achieve a free-flowing condition and volitional fish passage, site remediation and restoration, and avoidance of adverse downstream impacts (Proposed Action). The Limits of Work is a geographic area that encompasses dam removal related activities in the Proposed Action and may or may not expand beyond the FERC boundary associated with the Lower Klamath Project.
Keyword Tags:FERC, Lower Klamath Project