Klamath River Basin Restoration Nonuse Value Survey Final Report

Document Details:

Title: Klamath River Basin Restoration Nonuse Value Survey Final Report
Category: Technical Report
File: Graham_2012_0010_Klamath-River-Basin-Restoration-Nonuse-Value-Survey-Final-Report.pdf
Updated Date: 14.12.2016
Author(s)/Source(s): Rhea Graham
Publication Date: 2012-Jan-19
Focal Topic: Dam Removal, Habitat Restoration, Salmon, Suckers, Steelhead/Rainbow Trout
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102

This report presents the results from the Klamath survey and summarizes the design and administration of the survey and response rate. Following this description, we provide highlights from the survey responses. Finally, we present the results from the stated preference valuation questions and the aggregate willingness to pay for the river restoration components of the agreements estimated based on the survey responses.

Keyword Tags:
Economic Valuation