An Initial Assessment of Radio Telemetry for Estimating Juvenile Coho Salmon Survival, Migration Behavior, and Habitat Use in Response to Iron Gate Dam Discharge on the Klamath River, California.
Document Details:
Title: An Initial Assessment of Radio Telemetry for Estimating Juvenile Coho Salmon Survival, Migration Behavior, and Habitat Use in Response to Iron Gate Dam Discharge on the Klamath River, California.
Category: Technical Report
File: Stutzer-et-al_2006_0198_An-Initial-Assessment-of-Radio-Telemetry.pdf
Updated Date: 31.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Greg M. Stutzer, Jason Ogawa, Nicholas J. Hetrick, Tom Shaw
Publication Date: 2006-Jul
Focal Topic: Salmon, Dam Operations, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010209
Title: An Initial Assessment of Radio Telemetry for Estimating Juvenile Coho Salmon Survival, Migration Behavior, and Habitat Use in Response to Iron Gate Dam Discharge on the Klamath River, California.
Category: Technical Report
File: Stutzer-et-al_2006_0198_An-Initial-Assessment-of-Radio-Telemetry.pdf
Updated Date: 31.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Greg M. Stutzer, Jason Ogawa, Nicholas J. Hetrick, Tom Shaw
Publication Date: 2006-Jul
Focal Topic: Salmon, Dam Operations, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010209
iron gate dam, survival, migration behavior, habitat use, tagging
High capture probabilities observed at automated radio telemetry arrays in 2005 indicate that radio telemetry should be a valid method for estimating survival of juvenile coho salmon in the Klamath River downstream from IGD. This technique has been used successfully to estimate survival of juvenile salmonids in the Columbia and Snake rivers for the last several years (Counihan et al. 2002, Skalski et al. 2002). One distinct advantage of radio telemetry over mark-recapture methods based on passive tags (PIT tags, coded-wire tags, T-bar anchor tags, fin clips, etc.) is the high capture probabilities possible with this method, which in turn reduces the number of tagged animals required.
Keyword Tags:iron gate dam, survival, migration behavior, habitat use, tagging