Assessing Juvenile Salmon Rearing Habitat and Associated Predation Risk in a Lower Snake River Reservoir

Document Details:

Title: Assessing Juvenile Salmon Rearing Habitat and Associated Predation Risk in a Lower Snake River Reservoir
Category: Technical Report
File: Tiffan_et_al_2016_0305_Assessing-Juvenile-Salmon-rearing-habitat-and-assoc-pred-risk-in-a-lower-snake-river-reservoir.pdf
Updated Date: 18.05.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): K. F. Tiffan, J. R. Hatten, D. A. Trachtenbarg
Publication Date: 2016-Jun
Focal Topic: Salmon
Location: United States

Subyearling fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River basin exhibit a transient rearing strategy and depend on connected shoreline habitats during freshwater rearing. Impoundment has greatly reduced the amount of shallow-water rearing habitat that is exacerbated by the steep topography of reservoirs. Periodic dredging creates opportunities to strategically place spoils to increase the amount of shallow-water habitat for subyearlings while at the same time reducing the amount of unsuitable area that is often preferred by predators. We assessed the amount and spatial arrangement of subyearling rearing habitat in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River to guide future habitat improvement efforts. A spatially explicit habitat assessment was conducted using physical habitat data, two-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling and a statistical habitat model in a geographic information system framework. We used field collections of subyearlings and a common predator [smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu)] to draw inferences about predation risk within specific habitat types. Most of the high-probability rearing habitat was located in the upper half of the reservoir where gently sloping landforms created low lateral bed slopes and shallow-water habitats. Only 29% of shorelines were predicted to be suitable (probability >0.5) for subyearlings, and the occurrence of these shorelines decreased in a downstream direction. The remaining, less suitable areas were composed of low-probability habitats in unmodified (25%) and riprapped shorelines (46%). As expected, most subyearlings were found in high-probability habitat, while most smallmouth bass were found in low-probability locations. However, some subyearlings were found in low-probability habitats, such as riprap, where predation risk could be high. Given their transient rearing strategy and dependence on shoreline habitats, subyearlings could benefit from habitat creation efforts in the lower reservoir

Keyword Tags:
Habitat, Fall Chinook Salmon, Smallmouth bass, Snake River, Modelling, Predation, Riprap, Lower Granite Reservoir