Bathymetry and Sediment Classification of the Klamath Hydropower Project Impoundments
Document Details:
Title: Bathymetry and Sediment Classification of the Klamath Hydropower Project Impoundments
Category: Technical Report
File: Eilers-and-Gubala_2003_0423_Bathymetry-and-Sed-Class.pdf
Updated Date: 15.12.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): J.M. Eilers, C. P. Gubala
Publication Date: 2003
Focal Topic: Water Quality, Dam Operations
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
Title: Bathymetry and Sediment Classification of the Klamath Hydropower Project Impoundments
Category: Technical Report
File: Eilers-and-Gubala_2003_0423_Bathymetry-and-Sed-Class.pdf
Updated Date: 15.12.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): J.M. Eilers, C. P. Gubala
Publication Date: 2003
Focal Topic: Water Quality, Dam Operations
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
Sediment, Bathymetry, JC Boyle Reservoir, Upper Ewauna, Keno Reservoir, Copco Reservoir, Irongate Reservoir
Bathymetric surveys were conducted on Lake Ewauna, Keno Reservoir, JC Boyle Reservoir, Copco Reservoir, and Irongate Reservoir. A supervised sediment classification was also conducted on each of these impoundments. A general assessment of the magnitude of accumulated sediment in the impoundments was conducted by comparing the current bathymetry of the impoundments with available information on pre-impoundment topography. The results indicate the sediment accumulation in the impoundments is relatively modest, generally ranging from 5 to 15 percent of the current volumes.
Keyword Tags:Sediment, Bathymetry, JC Boyle Reservoir, Upper Ewauna, Keno Reservoir, Copco Reservoir, Irongate Reservoir