Development of an Integrated Fisheries Restoration & Monitoring Plan for the Klamath Basin: Objectives Hierarchy, Key Performance Indicators & Monitoring Framework Workshop - July 2018
Document Details:
Title: Development of an Integrated Fisheries Restoration & Monitoring Plan for the Klamath Basin: Objectives Hierarchy, Key Performance Indicators & Monitoring Framework Workshop - July 2018
Category: Presentation, Formal Agreement
File: IFRMP_ObjectivesKPIWorskhop_July_2018.pdf
Updated Date: 31.07.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): ESSA Technologies Ltd.
Publication Date: 2018-Jul-10
Focal Topic: Adaptive Management, Monitoring Programs, Habitat Restoration, Dam Removal, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
Title: Development of an Integrated Fisheries Restoration & Monitoring Plan for the Klamath Basin: Objectives Hierarchy, Key Performance Indicators & Monitoring Framework Workshop - July 2018
Category: Presentation, Formal Agreement
File: IFRMP_ObjectivesKPIWorskhop_July_2018.pdf
Updated Date: 31.07.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): ESSA Technologies Ltd.
Publication Date: 2018-Jul-10
Focal Topic: Adaptive Management, Monitoring Programs, Habitat Restoration, Dam Removal, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
Workshop, Objectives Hierarchy, Key Performance Indicators, Monitoring Framework
Development of an Integrated Fisheries Restoration & Monitoring Plan for the Klamath Basin: Objectives Hierarchy, Key Performance Indicators & Monitoring Framework Workshop.
Presentation Workshop summary.
Objectives of the workshop:
1. Review draft goals & objectives hierarchy and assign candidate key performance indicators to each objective.
2. Working at a basin-wide scale, review major monitoring needs and uncover gaps in our ability to: a) detect cumulative benefits of portfolios of restoration actions, and b) where required, reduce critical uncertainties related to the effectiveness of different classes of restoration actions.
3. Review preliminary ideas for methods to help prioritize restoration actions and monitoring activities.
Keyword Tags:Workshop, Objectives Hierarchy, Key Performance Indicators, Monitoring Framework