Evaluating Stream Restoration Projects in the Sprague River Basin

Document Details:

Title: Evaluating Stream Restoration Projects in the Sprague River Basin
Category: Technical Report
File: NewFields-and-Dr.-G.-M.-Kondolf_2012_0227_Evaluating-Stream-Restoration-Projects.pdf
Updated Date: 20.04.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): NewFields River Basin Services, Dr. G. M. Kondolf
Publication Date: 2012-Sep
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Adaptive Management, Suckers, Redband Trout, Water Quality
Location: Middle Sprague, Sprague - Sycan
Watershed Code: 18010202

Aquatic ecosystems in the Sprague River Basin in southern Oregon have been degraded by historical and current land uses including logging, dam construction, cattle grazing, and agriculture. Since the mid-1990’s, projects have been funded to improve watershed conditions in the Sprague River Basin for affected fish species, including Lost River sucker, shortnose sucker, and redband trout, channel stability, riparian habitat, and water quality. Continuation and potential future expansion of stream restoration projects in the Sprague River Basin warrant a basinwide review of the benefits of previous restoration projects. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the performance of a variety of completed restoration projects in the basin and identify key lessons learned. These lessons will be used to help implement meaningful adaptive management of the basin’s aquatic resources and to guide future project prioritization, planning, and design.

Keyword Tags:
Restoration, Evaluation, Geology, Hydrology, Geomorphology, Organizational Framework, Conceptual Models, Adaptive Management, Guidance for Future Projects