Integrated Assessment Plan Version 1.0

Document Details:

Title: Integrated Assessment Plan Version 1.0
Category: Technical Report
File: IAP_1.0.pdf
Updated Date: 10.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Trinity River Restoration Program and ESSA Technologies Ltd.
Publication Date: 2009-Sep-22
Focal Topic: Trinity River, Habitat Restoration, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime
Location: Trinity River
Watershed Code: 18010209--

The Trinity River Flow Evaluation (TRFE, USFWS and HVT, 1999) recommended a restoration strategy for the Trinity River that integrates restoration of riverine processes with the instream flow-dependent needs of salmonids. This strategy is intended to rehabilitate the river ecosystem to improve and maintain the fish and wildlife resources of the Trinity River through managed flows combined with mechanical rehabilitation and coarse sediment augmentation projects. The subsequent EIS/EIR and Record of Decision (ROD, DOI 2000) selected the TRFE recommendations, plus a watershed restoration component, as the Preferred Alternative for restoring the mainstem fishery resources and native wildlife of the Trinity River. The TRFE and ROD provide a restoration strategy for the Trinity River Restoration Program (hereafter called the Program) but did not specify methods for assessing the effectiveness of the TRFE and ROD management actions in achieving Program goals or management targets. To fill this need, the Integrated Assessment Plan (IAP) identifies key assessments that:
1. evaluate long-term progress toward achieving Program goals and objectives; and 2. provide short-term feedback to improve Program management actions by testing key hypotheses and reducing management uncertainties.

Keyword Tags:
Trinity, adaptive management