Klamath Basin Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan (IFRMP) Phase 3 - Prioritization Criteria Quick-Reference Guide

Document Details:

Title: Klamath Basin Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan (IFRMP) Phase 3 - Prioritization Criteria Quick-Reference Guide
Category: Technical Memo
File: 2020_0557_Klamath-IFRMP-Prioritization-Criteria-Quick-Reference.pdf
Updated Date: 02.02.2022
Author(s)/Source(s): ESSA Technologies Ltd.
Publication Date: 2020-Dec-02
Focal Topic: Adaptive Management, Habitat Restoration, Other threatened fishes, Monitoring Programs, Water Quality, Water Temperature
Location: Klamath Basin

After careful consideration of alternatives, we adopted a multi-criteria scoring approach to prioritization that has undergone multiple rounds of peer-review by Sub-basin Working Group (SBWG) participants. The multi-criterion prioritization framework developed for Phase 3 of the IFRMP is based on six key questions to ask about any restoration project under consideration, which are linked to corresponding criteria.

The Klamath IFRMP Prioritization Tool (http://klamath.essa.com) provides a rigorous, transparent and consistent method across the entire Klamath basin. Adjustments to various inputs and weighting factors are structured and automated to ensure consistency and scoring flexibility. The tool is specifically designed to be routinely updated based on results of ongoing adaptive management and monitoring. Readers are encouraged to log into the tool and experiment with alternative weighting systems to test the sensitivity of priority rankings.

Keyword Tags:
Klamath IFRMP Prioritization Tool, multi-criteria scoring approach, Range Overlap, Prioritization, Habitat Restoration, CPIs, Stressors,