Lower Klamath Project - Exhibit M

Document Details:

Title: Lower Klamath Project - Exhibit M
Category: Technical Report
File: Pacificorp_2016_0240_Surrender-removal-submission.pdf
Updated Date: 17.05.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): PacifiCorp
Publication Date: 2016-Sep
Focal Topic: Dam Operations
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010209

The Lower Klamath Project area is located on the upper Klamath River in Klamath County (south-central Oregon) and Siskiyou County (north-central California). The nearest principal cities are Klamath Falls, Oregon, located at the northern end of the Project area; Medford, Oregon, 45 miles northwest of the downstream end of the Project; and Yreka, California, 20 miles southwest of the downstream end. Figure M2.1-1 is a map of the Project area. The Lower Klamath Project consists of four developments which are on the Klamath River between river mile (RM) 190 and RM 228. The Lower Klamath Project begins at the J.C. Boyle Development and continues downstream to the Iron Gate Development.

Keyword Tags:
iron gate hatchery, Transmission network, PacifiCorp, Powerhouse, Reservoir