Lower Klamath Project FERC Project No. 14803 Reservoir Drawdown and Diversion Plan

Document Details:

Title: Lower Klamath Project FERC Project No. 14803 Reservoir Drawdown and Diversion Plan
Category: Technical Report
File: 2021_0553_EX-K-Reservoir-Draw-and-Divers-Plan-Feb2021-Public1-o.pdf
Updated Date: 20.10.2021
Author(s)/Source(s): Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Publication Date: 2021-Feb
Focal Topic: Dams & Reservoirs
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

This Reservoir Drawdown and Diversion Plan describes the proposed drawdown methods, procedures, schedules, and monitoring efforts the Renewal Corporation will implement as part of the Proposed Action. The Renewal Corporation has prepared 16 Management Plans for FERC’s review and approval as conditions of a license surrender order. These Management Plans were developed in consultation with federal, state and county governments and tribes.

Keyword Tags:
FERC, Reservoir