Oregon Fish Policy and Rules

Document Details:

Title: Oregon Fish Policy and Rules
Category: Statute/Regulation
External URL: http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/pages/rules/oars_600/oar_635/635_500.html
Updated Date: 16.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): State of Oregon
Publication Date: 2016-Dec-15
Focal Topic: Salmon, Suckers, Other threatened fishes, Steelhead/Rainbow Trout
Location: Lost River, Lower North Fork, Lower South Fork, Middle Sprague, Upper Klamath, Sprague - Sycan, Upper North Fork, Williamson River, Wood River
Watershed Code: 18010206

Website contains State of Oregon's rules for Fish Management Plans and policies. Pertinent sections include 635-500-3640 (Klamath River from the state line to Upper Klamath Lake) and 635-500-3890 (Chinook Salmon in Upper Klamath Lake and Tributaries/reintroduction plan). Policies also pertain to Redband trout and other non-anadromous species in the Klamath Basin. Use the search feature in web browser to target policy number, water body, key words, or species name.

Keyword Tags:
rules, regulations