Secretarial Determination Studies
Title: Secretarial Determination Studies
Category: Website, Technical Report
External URL:
Updated Date: 15.02.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Official U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date: 2017
Focal Topic: Adaptive Management, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects, Dam Removal, Dam Operations, Habitat Restoration, Dams & Reservoirs, Contaminants, Estuary of the Klamath, Hatcheries, Hydrology, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime, Invasive Species, Land Management & Irrigation, Lower Klamath, Mainstem Klamath River, Monitoring Programs, Other threatened fishes, Redband Trout, Riparian Species & Wildlife, Salmon, Sediment & Geomorphology, Steelhead/Rainbow Trout, Suckers, Water Allocation & Rights, Water Quality, Water Temperature
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
This is the official website of the Department of the Interior, and other federal and state agencies that are involved in carrying out obligations set forth in the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), including the Secretarial Determination on Klamath River dams.
Technical Studies and Data for Secretarial Determination Process provides the following reports:
- Secretarial Determination Studies - Final Secretarial Determination Overview Report (October 2012) - Final Klamath Dam Removal Overview Report for the Secretary of the Interior: an Assessment of Science and Technical Information.
The following studies/reports have been conducted as part of the Secretarial Determination Process:
- Engineering, Geomorphology/Construction Studies & Information
- Water Quality Studies & Information
- Background Information on Sediments
- Biological (Fish and Wildlife) Studies & Information
- Economic Studies & Information
- Cultural/Tribal Reports (Associated with Federally Recognized Tribes)
- Real Estate Studies & Information
- Additional Background Documents
KHSA, KBRA, NEPA, CEQA, Restoration, Agreements, Secretarial Determination Studies, Tribal Reports, Water Quality, Economic Studies, Sediments, Geomorphology, Real Estate, Cultural Values, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Myxozoan Disease, FEMA