Spatial and temporal nutrient loading dynamics in the Sprague River Basin, Oregon.

Document Details:

Title: Spatial and temporal nutrient loading dynamics in the Sprague River Basin, Oregon.
Category: Technical Report
File: Walker-et-al_2015_0448_Sprague_River_Nutrient_Dynamics.pdf
Updated Date: 07.03.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): J.D. Walker, J. Kann, W.W. Walker.
Publication Date: 2015-Dec
Focal Topic: Water Quality
Location: Sprague - Sycan, Middle Sprague
Watershed Code: 18010202

This study evaluated the streamflow and nutrient dynamics of the Sprague River Basin over the period WY2002 – 2014 using biweekly flow and nutrient measurements collected by Klamath Tribes at eight sampling stations across the basin. Continuous daily time series of flows, loads, and concentrations were computed using methodologies similar to those used in a previous nutrient budget study of the entire Klamath Basin (Walker et al., 2012). These daily time-series were used as a basis to investigate the spatial and temporal dynamics of nutrient concentrations and loads, estimate relative amounts of background and anthropogenic loading, and evaluate long-term trends at each sampling station.

Keyword Tags:
Water Quality, Sprague River Basin