The punctuated seaward migration of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus): environmental cues and implications for streamflow management

Document Details:

Title: The punctuated seaward migration of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus): environmental cues and implications for streamflow management
Category: Technical Report
File: Goodman-et-al-2015_0340_Pacific-lamprey-migrations.pdf
Updated Date: 20.06.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Damon H. Goodman, Stewart B. Reid, Nicholas A. Som, William R. Poytress
Publication Date: 2015
Focal Topic: Other threatened fishes, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime
Location: United States

We investigated emigration timing of juvenile Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) over a 10-year period in the Sacramento River, California, USA. Emigration was punctuated with 90% of macrophthalmia in daily catches of at least 50 individuals. Macrophthalmia were observed primarily between November and May, with among-year variation in median emigration date over four times that of sympatric anadromous salmon. Our best model associating catch and environmental factors included days from rain event, temperature, and streamflow. We found strong evidence for an association of catch with days from rain events, a surrogate for streamflow, with 93% of emigrants caught during an event and the two subsequent days. Emigration was more likely during nighttime during subdaily sampling after accounting for the effects of factors significantly associated with daily catch. These results emphasize the importance of natural variation in streamflow regimes and provide insight for management practices that would benefit emigrating lampreys, such as synchronizing dam releases with winter and spring storms to reduce migration time, timing diversions to avoid entrainment during emigration windows, and ensuring streamflows are sufficient to reach the ocean, thereby avoiding mass stranding events.

Keyword Tags:
Pacific Lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, Streamflow management