Understanding the Cumulative Effects of Environmental and Psycho-social Stressors that Threaten the Pohlik-lah and Ner-er-ner Lifeway: The Yurok Tribe’s Approach

Document Details:

Title: Understanding the Cumulative Effects of Environmental and Psycho-social Stressors that Threaten the Pohlik-lah and Ner-er-ner Lifeway: The Yurok Tribe’s Approach
Category: Technical Report
File: Yurok-Tribe_2014_0439_NCER-EPA-STAR-Final-Report_April-21-2014.pdf
Updated Date: 18.02.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): Suzanne Fluharty, Kathleen Sloan,
Publication Date: 2014-Mar
Focal Topic: Miscellaneous
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102

This study is a screening study, providing a ‘snap-shot’ of existing conditions during the research years of 2009-2013. A brief summary of the project’s research methodology is offered here. (See Grant RD-83370801-0, Quality Assurance Project Plan for an in depth description of methods.)

This study was conducted in a multi-year, phased approach and includes both the review and consideration of pre-existing, secondary data (surveys, archival documents, ethnographic interviews, GIS databases, and environmental data on pesticide use) and the collection of primary new data generated through interviews, public participation geographic information system sessions, and chemical screening of surface water and tissue samples from targeted species. The first year involved review of previous data, community scoping and planning, the second and third years, public participation sessions, two tiers of field sampling, and laboratory analysis. The fourth and fifth years comprised data analysis and reporting.

Keyword Tags:
Cumulative Effects, Stressors