Compilation of information to Inform USFWS Principals on the Potential Effects of the Proposed Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (Draft 11) on Fish and Fish Habitat Conditions in the Klamath Basin, with Emphasis on Fall Chinook Salmon
Title: Compilation of information to Inform USFWS Principals on the Potential Effects of the Proposed Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (Draft 11) on Fish and Fish Habitat Conditions in the Klamath Basin, with Emphasis on Fall Chinook Salmon
Category: Technical Report
File: Hetrick-et-al_2009_0116_Compilation-of-Information-to-Inform-USFWS-Principals.pdf
Updated Date: 09.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Nicholas J. Hetrick, T. A. Shaw, P. Zedonis, C. D. Chamberlain
Publication Date: 2009
Focal Topic: Salmon, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects, Water Quality, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime, Dam Operations, Dam Removal, Sediment & Geomorphology
Location: Klamath Basin, Lower Klamath, Mid Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102
The primary focus of this report is the effects of the proposed Agreements on anadromous fish, and in particular, fall run Chinook salmon. The substantial body of existing information on fall run Chinook below Iron Gate Dam (IGD), as well as several existing peer-reviewed models that address habitats and production of fall run Chinook salmon, provide the basis for considerable in-depth analysis of potential effects in the lower Klamath River. Fewer tools are currently available for examining potential for successful re-occupancy of areas above IGD, but the existing information is sufficient for preliminary analyses. Analytical tools for coho salmon are much more limited, and are virtually non-existent for spring run Chinook, steelhead, and lamprey. As such, this report offers little analysis of the outcomes of the proposed Agreements on those taxa.
Keyword Tags:fall run chinook, iron gate dam