Mid-Klamath Subbasin Fisheries Resource Recovery Plan

Document Details:

Title: Mid-Klamath Subbasin Fisheries Resource Recovery Plan
Category: Technical Report
File: Soto-et-al.-2008_0545_Mid-Klamath-Basin-Recovery-Plan.pdf
Updated Date: 20.10.2021
Author(s)/Source(s): Toz Soto, Michael Hentz, Will Harling
Publication Date: 2008-Aug-25
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Salmon, Other threatened fishes, Monitoring Programs, Dam Removal
Location: Mid Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

The Klamath River Fisheries Task Force determined the need for individual plans from the Klamath River subbasins that were identified in their 1991 Long Range Plan (Kier Associates, 1991). The Middle Klamath subbasin is defined as the portion of the Klamath River watershed encompassing all sub-watersheds (excluding the Salmon River, Scott River and Shasta River) between the Trinity River (River Mile 43.4) and Iron Gate Dam (River Mile 190.1).

The primary goal for this plan is to identify and propose actions to improve Middle Klamath River subbasin contribution to the Klamath River Basin’s anadromous fish. This working draft identifies actions needed, whether it may be on-the-ground manipulation of impaired aquatic or terrestrial conditions, or more passive protection of unimpaired conditions.

Aquatic conditions and fisheries resources in the Klamath Basin have steadily declined for the past 150 years, and more rapidly during the past 50 years. The Klamath River fishery has a very complex and wide variety of problems, and public concerns about deteriorating salmon stocks have heightened in light of the 2002 large-scale fish kill that occurred in the Klamath River system. This plan only addresses problems within the scope of the Middle Klamath subbasin. Basin wide fisheries recovery will take a cooperative planned effort from all subbasins and Basin stakeholders.

Declines in Klamath River anadromous fish have impaired river ecosystem function, and have equally impacted tribal, sport and commercial fisheries. In addition, other land and water uses are restricted by management regulations that have been put into effect in response to these ecological system failures. Combined, these factors make planning recovery actions complex and challenging. The Middle Klamath River subbasin is especially challenging due to its large size and diversity in terms of landscape, land jurisdiction, socio-economic conditions, politics, and cultural representation.

Keyword Tags:
Recovery Action Plan, Fisheries Resource, Mid-Klamath