Economic Studies of the Value of Fishery Restoration: Benefits of Passage and Reintroduction

Document Details:

Title: Economic Studies of the Value of Fishery Restoration: Benefits of Passage and Reintroduction
Category: Presentation
File: Duffield_2014_0008_Economic-Studies-of-the-Value-of-Fishery-Restoration-Benefits-of-Passage-and-Reintroduction.pdf
Updated Date: 09.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Dr. John Duffield
Publication Date: 2014
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Dam Removal, Salmon
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102

Economic Studies of the Value of Fishery Restoration: Benefits of Passage and Reintroduction. This presentation provides an overview of Salmon economics since 1950 focusing on Celilo Falls and Kettle Falls. a summary of the current methods of valuing fishery restoration with an overview of 4 contemporary cases: Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Ecosystem (2014), Elwha Dam Removal (1996 study), Dam Removal on the Klamath River (2012) and the Grand Canyon/ Glen Canyon Dam (1994, 2014).

Keyword Tags:
Habitat Restoration, Dam Removal, Salmon