Detailed Plan for Dam Removal – Klamath River Dams
Title: Detailed Plan for Dam Removal – Klamath River Dams
Category: Technical Report
File: Reclamation_2012_0126_Detailed-Plan-for-Dam-Removal.pdf
Updated Date: 05.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Reclamation
Publication Date: 2011-Sep-15
Focal Topic: Dam Removal, Hydrology, Sediment & Geomorphology, Water Allocation & Rights, In-Stream Flow / Flow Regime
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
The Klamath Hydroelectric Project (Project) is owned by PacifiCorp, and includes four generating developments along the mainstem of the Upper Klamath River between river mile (RM) 190 and 228. The East Side and West Side Developments are located further upstream at the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation’s) Link River Dam at RM 254, and have been previously proposed by PacifiCorp for decommissioning. The Project also includes a re-regulation dam with no generation facilities at RM 233 (Keno Dam), and a small (2.2 MW) generating development on Fall Creek, a tributary to the Klamath River at RM 196.3. The installed generating capacity of the existing Project is 169 MW and, on average, the Project generates 716,800 MWh of electricity annually. PacifiCorp began relicensing proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in 2000.
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