Implementation plan for the Reintroduction of Anadromous Fishes into the Oregon portion of the Upper Klamath Basin

Document Details:

Title: Implementation plan for the Reintroduction of Anadromous Fishes into the Oregon portion of the Upper Klamath Basin
Category: Technical Report
File: 2021_0556_ODFW_Klamath-Tribes_UK-Basin-anadromous-reintro-implem-plan.pdf
Updated Date: 20.01.2022
Author(s)/Source(s): M.E. Hereford, T.G. Wise, and A. Gonyaw, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, The Klamath Tribes
Publication Date: 2021-Dec
Focal Topic: Salmon, Habitat Restoration, Monitoring Programs
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

The Reintroduction Implementation Plan recommends species-specific approaches to guide the reintroduction of historically present anadromous fishes. Fall-run Chinook, Coho Salmon, steelhead trout, and Pacific Lamprey are all found in habitat immediately below Iron Gate Dam. When the dams are removed there is a high degree of confidence that individuals of these species will repopulate newly available habitat on their own. Therefore, this plan recommends a volitional approach to reintroduction of these fishes, in which no active measures will initially be taken to assist in repopulating habitat in the Upper Klamath Basin. The only remaining populations of spring-run Chinook Salmon in the Klamath Basin are located in the Trinity River and Salmon River sub-basins (150 and 128 miles downstream of Iron Gate Dam, respectively). Because of the long distance from Iron Gate Dam, and even further distance to newly available habitat, to the source populations of spring-run Chinook Salmon (Trinity River and Salmon River sub-basins), these fish are unlikely to repopulate habitat in the upper basin on their own. This plan recommends and outlines the approaches for an active reintroduction program to repopulate suitable habitat in the Upper Klamath Basin with spring-run Chinook Salmon through the use of releasing pathogen-screened, hatchery reared juveniles from an in-basin source (most likely from the Trinity River sub-basin).

The Reintroduction Implementation Plan includes a recommended strategy for monitoring re-establishment of anadromous fishes following the removal of the four Klamath Hydroelectric dams. The strategy for monitoring will be focused on fundamental questions. Immediately following the availability of passage, monitoring will focus on determining if anadromous fishes are migrating into habitat immediately above the dams.

Keyword Tags:
reintroduction, anadromous fishes, Oregon, Upper Klamath Basin