Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report
Title: Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report
Category: Technical Report
File: SVRCD_2018_0548_Shasta_Watershed_Stewardship_Report.pdf
Updated Date: 20.10.2021
Author(s)/Source(s): Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Publication Date: 2018-Apr
Focal Topic: Water Allocation & Rights, Salmon, Land Management & Irrigation, Water Quality, Monitoring Programs, Adaptive Management
Location: Mid Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102
The Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report is a non‐regulatory document that identifies successful stewardship actions and presents a roadmap for future stewardship actions to continue to improve water quality conditions in the Shasta River watershed. The Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report
is intended to introduce a watershed‐scale, stewardship‐based, adaptive management approach with opportunities for direct and interactive feedback from local stakeholders and partner organizations. In general, the stewardship approach can be summarized as a collaborative framework to improve water quality that supports beneficial uses and habitat for sensitive species, such as coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).
This report is a pilot project of the Klamath Basin Monitoring Program (KBMP) intended to promote the use of science‐based assessment to guide water quality improvement activities and projects. The Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District (SVRCD) has coordinated partnerships with local landowners, local agencies, state and federal agencies, tribes, and other non‐governmental organizations for the development of this report and to begin the development of a watershed stewardship framework. The watershed stewardship framework is based on partnerships coalesced around shared environmental outcomes, respect for the working landscape, and a voluntary commitment to collaboration. An anticipated benefit of the proposed watershed stewardship approach includes increased sharing of information on actions and projects completed by participants to track the progress made in the Shasta River watershed. Another benefit of this watershed stewardship coordination report is the increased level of identifying the shared funding by participants on mutually beneficial projects.
Keyword Tags:Shasta River Watershed, watershed scale, monitoring